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- »CL9:»SML:--------------------------------------
- »CL9:»SML:--------------------------------------
- »CL4: Written and Presented By
- Michael/Anathema
- »CL0:This article will be available in
- »CL1:Deadlock #12» and »CL1:Eurochart» (C)1997
- It seems that the article that was
- published in »CL1:Eurochart issue #29»
- started up a big fight between »CL1:Shade
- of Digital» and »CL1:Michael/Anathema!»
- The point about the article was to
- show you the weak management of the
- team, and the lack of inspiration in
- producing a demo...»CL1:Shade of Digital»
- was unhappy at the fact that his name
- was metioned in the article
- highlighting the fact that his
- leadership and organising was weak and
- poor, and was under the spot light for
- incompetence again!
- After having a discussion with »CL1:Shade»
- on the phone on the 7/4/1997, I asked
- him one simple question about the
- article which was featured in issue
- #29 of the Eurochart, and issue #11 of
- Deadlock saying, give me one section
- in that article which he totally
- disagreed with!
- With all the fuss and comments he had
- said, there was not even one
- substantial comment which was even
- worth mentioning in this article..The
- article in Eurochart 29 and Deadlock
- 11 states the facts, and speaks for it
- self really..To go around justifying
- that »CL1:Freezers Uk» was a top team is
- »CL0:just basically hypocrisy! Like we in
- Anathema has said, the spot light is
- on yourself and you deserve to be
- highlighted for your actions! [I
- certainly think your handle should be
- changed to Hypocrisy!]
- I remember when you was in Maniacs and
- Cobra asked you to draw something for
- him and it took you a life time to
- draw, and the most insulting thing
- about it was that there was *No
- Communications* between yourself and
- Cobra to explain yourself! [Iam not
- saying you should justify your actions
- all the time, BUT if you take on a
- task and decide to do it, then i think
- it is in sense for some
- communications, even though you
- dont/or cant understand the word
- communications is!]
- [Just incase you forgot what the word
- communications means! For simple
- reading for you, it means feedback, a
- 2 way constructive contact or
- conversation, a link in contact, or
- some sort of a a reply »CL1:Mike/Anathema
- 97»]
- The article in the Eurochart talks
- about the communications and the way
- you had a simple task to do graphics
- for a small cracktro. And as it said
- in there, that it was made into a
- complete and utter shambles on your
- behalf! What strikes me about you, is
- that you find time to insult
- Devistator's graphics in his cracktro!
- [Maybe its just jealous or lust over
- his style of work, who knows?] Now
- »CL0:when people in Maniacs wanted you
- kicked out for laziness and was
- speaking behind your back, you're the
- first dude to start saying that they
- dont know the reason why I could'nt do
- the work...Thats why I think its best
- if you did explain yourself than
- saying nothing then people wouldnt
- saying anything behind your
- back...Maybe you can get away with it
- in teams like: Carnage, Maniacs, S!P,
- Freezers and Emotions, But certainly
- not with me. You claim that I come to
- your house and drink your tea? And
- then, behind your back I am acting
- too-face towards you?
- »CL4:[Further more, I did not drink your
- tea either. I left it on your desk
- turning cold and then pissed off
- home..So please get your facts right
- in the future!» »CL1:-Mike/Anathema 97]»CL0:
- Then all I can say is, look in the
- mirror at yourself and see who's the
- biggest hypocrit of all! People like
- »CL1:Cobra» and myself was trying to get
- stuff organised and all you was doing
- was playing little boys games by
- wasting peoples time and being to
- nosey and a dim wit all at the same
- time! For instance: Emotions: you
- started up the group and your a artist
- and want me to get Gfx from »CL1:Dark»???
- Why?? We ask for a simple logo and you
- couldn't even do that!
- »CL4:[But again you find time to draw for
- other people when it suits your needs
- eh? And the most insultive thing about
- »CL0:it is that you have disowned your own
- group to work for others.. What a
- complete Shite..»CL1:Mike/Anathema 97]]»CL0:
- The group died within 2 weeks.
- »CL1:Surprise Productions»: Again, you was
- trusted to start up a »CL1:UK division» by
- the overseas guys, and again its your
- part to organise and produce stuff,
- and what happened..You quit the group
- without getting the ball rolling!
- »CL1:Gods:» You was in this team for only 2
- weeks before qutting..Reason for
- leaving. Unknown?? I wouldn't be
- surprised if you had disowned the
- group just like all the rest of the
- so-called teams you were in [What a
- Dim stick eh?]
- »CL4:And all it boils down to is that you
- found time to work for others..You
- dont care about getting your
- house/group in order, all you was
- interested in doing was trying to make
- fame and making yourself a total
- jackass on the BBS - »CL1:Mike/Anathema 97]»CL0:
- Outspan told me that you said i was
- wrong going public about the Freezers
- article which was featured in issue 29
- of the Eurocharts. Well as what New
- Labour has said in its posters around
- Britain before the UK general election
- (1st May 1997)!
- »CL0:
- »CL0:And I think its time to highlight your
- incompetence and make people be aware!
- You might be able to write articles
- nice and neat, but who gives a fuck!
- Simple things we ask you for and you
- seem to treat British people (i would
- say British people as you lick
- overseas arses with your work) like
- their second class people, you can
- maybe get away slagging off
- »CL1:Devistator», But certainly not with me
- you cant! Your one nit-twit that
- people should stand clear from and I
- think the less people on the scene
- like you the better the UK and the
- European scene will be!
- And another thing too, Your there
- bringing in people like Devoe, Tim,
- Devistator, Hollywood into a debate
- which don't concern you, And this
- topic even dont concern them, and the
- fact of the matter is that it's none
- of your business and I think you
- should stand clear and debate your own
- business than getting in others which
- dont concern you at all! [Again Poor
- Sense really]
- Is that the best debate you can come
- up with?? If that the case then, I
- better remind you about the wedding
- incident in which people like Colin
- was not pleased at all with your
- actions! If you wanna bring up the
- past then thats fine by me, but I
- suggest you stick to the debate about
- Freezers and dont concentrate on
- things that don't concern you at
- all...So you felt shame on the phone
- because I slammed down the UK division
- »CL0:of Freezers and your organising of the
- team! Big deal I say? And what a bum
- you are! Outspan, Wizzball and myself
- has asked you for Gfx work in the past
- and it shows your not capable of doing
- it. But for some bizzare reason when a
- overseas group ask you for something
- its a case of you jumping on the band
- wagon and doing it right away [and its
- of poor quality]! Your there talking
- about Devistator licking overseas
- peoples arses for being "ELITE", and
- look at yourself then? You're no
- better! [Devistator also told me to
- add to this text in here saying
- that he doesn't give a shit what Shade
- has said about licking overseas arses.
- At least I am not begging friendship
- on the BBS]
- Lets put it this way, I can make you
- feel shameful if I had too...But I'll
- stop here as you will start to feel
- pretty low indeed! If you have
- something to say about this article
- then say it directly to me on the
- phone. You slimeless pratt! This is
- what I wanted to say to you on the
- phone on the 7/4/97, but I never got a
- time to do so as you was doing all the
- talking [Lamer]! And another thing,
- you wrote an article in Generation mag
- slamming down Keneda of Grasshopper
- Developments about his code, and then
- you have the damn cheak to tell me on
- the phone that people in the UK don't
- have a sense of humour... What kind of
- a joke is that then? [I am turning
- like you now. Debating things that
- don't concern me at all] Well if
- that's the case then, I would say the
- »CL0:article about Freezers UK was a
- disgrace which appeared in Eurochart
- and Deadlock 11 was all a joke really!
- [I don't think so]
- You like to throw insults to others,
- but don't like to take the heat when
- it's on your side eh? Jackass! What
- right have you got to slam down
- Keneda? None, Your lazy and basically
- bone idle and don't have no sense
- really..You want trouble, Ill give you
- one then? (»CL8:That's it.. I'm not
- correcting any more spelling errors.
- -ed») You might be a talented artist,
- BUT you have no Communication sense or
- any sense at all when it comes to
- debates..Maybe you will get your
- school bum chum friends to beat me up
- for going public again about your
- disgracefull and incompetence
- behaviour towards Freezers uk and to
- people who you have wrongly slammed
- down for no justified reasons [Wow,
- Ohh-Er]...To summons you up as a
- whole, as a personal bloke to know.
- Your a decent enough geezer and i have
- no problems there...But as a Scene
- contact, your one total Jackass and a
- Dum ugly Shit and should now learn a
- lesson not to play games with me! You
- will of course be hearing more from me
- in the future after the Music of
- Xenocide on the playstation is
- finished!
- »CL4:Michael/Anathema!»
- »CL6:Do you remember Abysm..That artist
- »CL6:dude who you basically slammed down
- for doing some freezers logos in High
- resolution...Well you cant say that
- iam biased like you! I said that his
- work was really good and a matter of
- fact i reply to anyone who writes me
- no matter what kind of a standard
- their work is! You though
- discriminate! Why do you think
- »CL5:Made/Scoopex» & »CL6:Gfx Twins» never wrote
- you back Eh? You will have to solve
- that out for yourself...I have seen
- the letters you have written to them
- already, And i must say. How dare you
- use my name as a front to give
- yourself a boost...My advice directly
- to you is not to make this happend
- again Ok!
- I have taken brief notes from the
- article in Seenpoint in which you have
- written, and again, What a complete
- cock head you are...Your living in
- cloud coo-coo land again, and i think
- you better wake up and stop having
- these kind of a illusions around your
- skull box [Brain/Head]! So devistator
- sent me some graphics eh? And behind
- his back i said to you that there was
- crap eh? Wrong Again mister! In a
- matter of fact --->
- 1.Devistator did not send me the
- graphics!
- 2.Your lying again and trying to make
- out i said it. When you said it to
- cover the facts up about his cracktro
- for fairlight was rubbish [Your same
- words]
- 3.Devistator even didn't know he had
- sent me graphics!
- »CL6:4.The intro that me and Devistator
- planned to relased wasn't even
- started!
- 5.Devistator has not even written to
- me from since Mid Summer 1996!
- [Devistator has also backed me on this
- strange assumption! And again, it
- proves that shade is living in cloud
- coo-coo land once again! Where does he
- get these assumptions from i dont
- know. I think you need some fresh air
- or a girlfriend or somethink to clear
- your head man!]
- Oh dear! A cock up again....I think
- you better apologies or retract those
- words! Or else Devistator might get
- upset and slag you off about your
- heart throbing band called Take that!
- May i remind you that you came 1st
- Place as the Biggest Dick head in the
- Uk charts.. But was taken out due to
- the full scale protest from yourself!
- Who was the dude you claim did it!
- Erm, DEVISTATOR! Do you remember when
- you went to »CL5:Dark/Dual Crew» shining
- house? And you felt like a dog because
- Dark never talked with you at all for
- the time we was there? [6 hours] As
- dark would of said, if he had the
- courage enough to say it is that
- --Your a Nobody-- Just another looser
- looking for friends to get into high
- places! Obviously, i was the fool to
- make you use my name to contact people
- like Gfx Twins, Made and Ninja [Never
- again Though]...how dare you say i
- ripp modules...Ive been on the Scene
- more longer than you, and i have done
- »CL6:music for various groups in the past.
- So how can you make up such a
- slanderous statements like that...No
- this is not right and iam gonna make
- sure your ways and behaviour are known
- to everyone in europe! You have just
- crossed the wrong bridge, And now you
- gonna feel how annoyed at a arsedicks
- like yourself! Your a new comer on the
- scene. So why should i give you the
- benefit of the doubt? You want ripping
- to be a subject, ok then! Lets start
- with your logos.. especially when you
- got lots of mades, Gfx Twins and many
- more famous people work on your Hard
- drive. I detect a texture copying
- somewhere. But for all those readers
- out there you should becarefull of
- using such work from shade...Ask many
- questions before putting the work in,
- if your not justified with the answer
- then dont use it.. Hear you are,
- trying to be a cheap immutation of
- Dark/DCS and cant even produce a
- proper Aga Picture yet! This debate
- was all about Freezers Uk and its
- support for productions and now you
- have made it into a freestyle
- degrading match..You want a serious
- debate about ripping then wait for my
- article in the next issue of Deadlock
- and Eurocharts!
- You should never cross that bridge
- with me and if you want a article
- slamming match, then lets begain. You
- will be reading about yourself in
- various magazines from this day
- onwards! You have been going around
- taking other peoples modules and
- »CL6:putting my name in it and making me
- out to be the most serious ripper in
- life. Do you honesly think i dont know
- eh? I went on the Board with Adam the
- other day and came across a module in
- which i had nothing to do with...My
- text in the sample names usually has a
- special keyed in mark.. So dont try
- that old skool trick on me, buster. In
- deadlock we are gonna have a article
- alongside with the picture in which we
- accused you of texture fixing. So its
- not only warm words were gonna have,
- were gonna have the facts right there
- to back up our warm words! So eat shit
- sucker!
- Here are some points to bear in that
- thick skull box of yours --->
- 1.Here you are making a cheap
- political point scoring from this
- action, and i will have strong
- evidence about your work soon..Just
- watch this space!
- 2.And as i have said before, As soon
- as the water gets hot for you, its a
- case of you bailing yourself out and
- claiming your a innocent bloke. Behind
- that light and colourful face of
- yours. Your a Evil and back stabbing
- person!
- 3.If you have somethink to say. Donot
- bother to go on the BBS spreading
- shit. [As i have been told] Tell me,
- So i can trash it out with you there
- and then. Its people like you that say
- one thing and then do another!
- So your saying iam lying eh? And as i
- »CL6:said before. All your doing is
- bringing other debates that dont
- concern you into the spotlight and
- basically you dont have foot to stand
- on. Ok ill leave you with one
- question. Can you tell me why the
- cracktro never got released in
- Freezers Uk? What a tramp! Michael,
- Projex and The Alchemist all had our
- saying about hollywood in that article
- which was featured in issue 10 of
- deadlock and was written by me
- [Michael], And Hollywood has had his
- say about it in his text that was
- released on the digital candy boards.
- And as far as iam concerned the case
- is now closed between me and him..So
- why are you making a fuss about it?
- And what are you now gonna do about
- it? Send the hit squad to beat me up!
- [For fuck sakes. Grow up] And Again it
- just justifies my point as i have been
- saying in previous paragraphs in this
- article! Being nosey and puting your
- self into things which has no
- relations to you what so ever!
- Also that article in the Generation
- magazine which claims that you said
- that S!P was a part of scoopex was all
- true..You did tell people that S!P was
- a part of Scoopex. And you told me as
- well. Ninja, Antibyte, Christopher,
- NHP was not that pleased with this
- rumour as well... Your mouth is too
- fast and everything you do just causes
- problems for all!
- Look out for Deadlock #12 with more
- exciting news about shade and scene
- lifestyle of texture ripping. Great
- fun to read!
- »CL6:Due to the fact i was off the Amiga
- scene for 3 months, Sources told me on
- the scene that you was writing stuff
- about my personal life. You really
- dont want to go down that road! It
- could get very nasty on your behalf!
- Stick to the debate.**Freezers Uk**.
- And not make a issue out of
- everything, because if i see your next
- article making a subject out of me,
- then i will be getting personal for
- sure.. Mark my words!
- (C) 1997 Anathema
- Final Words
- Please note that Devistator/Absys and
- Keneda of GHD has given me permission
- to use their names as examples of how
- stupid shade is [Many thanx to those
- two dudes..Thanx Guys]..And more
- venture from other people will be
- coming soon! And remember these
- words....A tosser is not for christmas
- its for life!
- If Anyone has a complaint about
- Shade/Digital. No matter how small it
- is, then contact any of the Anathema
- members with details..Look out for
- Chip Attack #2 in September 1997, and
- Catch 22 intro out now, with texts all
- about shade again!